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2019 ~  

Middx Ladies O'55s Winners  ~  Chris Smith & Rose Mayo

Middx Ladies 2 Wood WinnerDawn Rooks

Middx Ladies Pairs Winners   ~  Karen Fisher & Dawn Rooks

Middx Ladies Double Rink Winners

2020 ~  

2017 ~  

Home Counties Fours Winners  ~  R.Vye, E.Milsom, J.Rowlands & R.Leleux

Middx Fours WinnersR.Vye, E.Milsom, J.Rowlands & R.Leleux

Middx Triples R/Up  ~  B.Putnam, J.Rowlands & R.Leleux

Hillingdon Open Singles  ~  E.Milsom

Hillingdon O'60s Singles  ~  R.Leleux

Hillingdon Mens Pairs  ~  J.Rowlands & R.Leleux

Hillingdon Mens Triples  ~  R.Vye, E.Milsom & J.Rowlands

Hillingdon Laides Singles  ~  S.Pocknell

Hilingdon Mixed Pairs  ~  E.Putnam & J.Rowlands

Hillingdon Mixed Triples ~ R.Vye, E.Milsom & R.Mayo

Southall Singles  ~  E.Milsom

Southall Pairs  ~  R.Vye & E.Milsom

Hayes Pairs  ~  R.Rooks & P.Picknell

3 Counties League  ~  Runners Up

2015 ~  


C&T League Winners

3 Counties League Runner's Up

Hillingdon Open Singles  ~  R.Vye

Hillingdon Ladies Singles  ~  S.Pocknell

Hillingdon Mixed Pairs  ~  J.Rowlands & E.Putnam

Hillingdon Mens Triples  ~  P.Costin,  A.Bond  &  P.Picknell  {P.Mayo}

Ealing Ladies Singles  ~  S.Pocknell

Southall Champion of Champions  ~  R.Leleux

Southall Singles  ~  R.Vye 

2013 ~  


Middx Ladies Singles  ~  S.Pocknell

Middx Ladies Triples R/Up  ~  E.Putnam,  J.Matthews,  R.Mayo

3 Counties League Winners

Hillingdon O'60s Singles  ~  D.Parrott

Hayes Fours  ~  R.Vye,  M.Walsh,  E.Milsom,  R.Matthews

Hayes Singles  ~  D.Hodgkins

Ealing Ladies Singles  ~  L.Ive

Ealing Ladies Pairs  ~  L.Ive & S.Pocknell

2011 ~  


Middx Mens Triples R/Up  ~  M.Kirby,  J.Rowlands,  D.Parrott

Middx Mens Officers Cup  ~  D.Parrott

Middx Mixed Pairs R/Up  ~  J.Matthews & D.Parrott

Middx MensWhisky Pairs R/Up  ~  M.Kirby & J.Rowlands

Hillingdon Singles  ~  J.Rowlands

Hillingdon Pairs  ~  R.Clark & D.Parrott

Hillingdon Mixed Triples  ~  J.Matthews,  R.Matthews,  D.Parrott

Hillingon Ladies Singles  ~  S.Pocknell

Hillingdon Ladies Pairs  ~  L.Ive & S.Pocknell

Hillingdon Ladies Triples  ~  E.Putnam,  J.Dorsett,  J.Matthews

Hillingdon Mixed Pairs  ~  E.Putnam & J.Rowlands

Southall Triples  ~  T.Holman,  R.Vye,  E.Milsom

Jack Jackman Mixed Fours  ~  E.Putnam,  M.Walsh,  J.Matthews, R.Matthews

Hounslow Singles  ~  R.Matthews

Hounslow Ladies Singles  ~  S.Pocknell

3 Counties League Winners

Southall Marks Cup Winners

Hayes Cuttel Shield Winners

2009 ~  


Middx Ladies U/B Singles  ~  S.Pocknell

Hillingdon Mens Singles  ~  B.Smith

Southall Collins ~  R.Vye,  E.Milsom,  R.Matthews,  D.Parrott

Southall Marks Cup Winners

Southall Ladies Triples  ~  R.Crouch,  J.Dorsett,  J.Matthews

Southall Champion of Champions  ~  B.Smith

Hayes Fours  ~  R.Vye,  E.Milsom,  J.Matthews,  R.Matthews

Hounslow Mens Triples  ~  R.Vye,  E.Milsom,  R.Matthews

Hounslow Mens Pairs  ~  R.Matthews & J.Rowlands

Hounslow Mixed Pairs  ~  S.Pocknell & R.Matthews

Ad Finem Dorsett Shield Winners

Hillingdon Open Singles  ~  D.Parrott

2018 ~  

Middlesex Unbadged ~ Jack Fisher

Middlesex League R/up

Hillingdon Open ~ J.Rowlands

Hillingdon Ladies Singles ~ D.Rooks

Hillingdon Ladies Pairs ~ D.Rooks & K.Fisher

Hillingdon Ladies Triples ~ A.Arrowsmith, D.Rooks & K.Fisher

Southall Singles ~ E.Milsom

Southall Triples ~ R.Vye, G.Bond & E.Milsom

Southall Collins Fours ~ R.Vye, G.Bond, E.Milsom & J.Rowlands

C&T Mixed Triples ~ P.Picknell, R.Rooks & D.Rooks

2016 ~  


Middx Ladies Pairs  ~  E.Putnam & S.Pocknell

Middx Officers Cup  ~  R.Leleux

C&T League Runners Up

3 Counties League Winners

Hillingdon O'60s Singles  ~  R.Leleux

Hillingdon Ladies Pairs  ~  C.Smith & R.Mayo

Hillingdon Mixed Pairs  ~  L.Ive & R.Leleux

Hillingdon Mixed Triples  ~  E.Putnam, B.Putnam & J.Rowlands

Hillingdon Open Singles  ~  J.Rowlands

Hayes Pairs  ~  P.Costin & P.Picknell

Southall Pairs  ~  P.Costin & P.Picknell

Southall Ladies Singles  ~  L.Ive

Southall Triples  ~  M.Walsh, R.Vye & E.Milsom

Ealing Plate  ~  M.Young

2014 ~  


Middx Mixed Pairs  ~  J.Matthews & D.Parrott

Middx Ladies Triples  ~  E.Putnam,  J Matthews,  R.Mayo  {S.Pocknell)

Middx U'B Singles R/Up  ~  R.Vye

Hillingdon Open Singles  ~  R.Leleux

Hillingdon Mixed Pairs  ~  L.Ive & R.Leleux

Hayes Singles  ~  R.Leleux

Ealing Ladies Pairs  ~  L.Ive & S.Pocknell

Southall Marks Cup Winners

3 Counties League R/Up

2012 ~  


Middx Ladies U/B Singles  ~  E.Putnam

Middx Ladies Pairs R/Up  ~  E.Putnam & J.Matthews

3 Counties League R/Up

C&T League Winners

Ealing & District Ladies League Winners

Hillingdon Open Singles  ~  M.Kirby

Hillingdon Mens Triples  ~  R.Vye,  E.Milsom,  D.Parrott

Hillingdon Mixed Pairs  ~  S.Pocknell & R.Matthews {C.Smith}

Hayes Fours  ~  R.Vye,  J.Matthews,  E.Milsom,  R.Matthews

Hayes Triples  ~  D.Hodgkins,  R.Matthews,  J.Rowlands

Southall Champion of Champions  ~  D.Parrott

Southall Triples  ~  R.Vye,  M.Walsh,  E.Milsom

Hounslow Ladies Singles  ~  S.Pocknell

Hounslow Ladies Pairs  ~  S.Pocknell & R.Mayo {L.Ive}

2010 ~  


Middx Mens Officers Cup  ~  M.Kirby

Southall Champion of Champions  ~  D.Parrott

Southall Ladies Singles  ~  S.Pocknell

Hillingdon Mixed Pairs  ~  J.Matthews & D.Parrott

Hounslow Mens Pairs  ~  R.Matthews & J.Rowlands {D.Parrott}

Hayes Fours  ~  R.Vye,  E.Milsom,  J.Matthews,  R.Matthews

2007 ~  


Home Counties Singles  ~  R.Leleux

Middx Mens Singles  ~  R.Leleux

Middx Fours R/Up  ~  D.Parrott,  C.Harris,  W.Woods,  R.Leleux

Hillingdon Singles  ~  W.Woods

Hillingdon Ladies Singles  ~  R.Mayo

Hillingdon Ladies Pairs  ~  L.Iv & R.Mayo

Hillingdon Mixed Triples  ~  S.Norman,  D.Parrott,  W.Woods

Hillingdon Mixed Pairs  ~  S.Clark & R.Clark

Hayes Singles  ~  C.Harris

Hounslow Pairs  ~  D.Hodgkins & B.Smith

Southall Ladies Pairs  ~  L.Ive & R.Mayo

Southall Collins  ~  R.Vye,  E.Milsom,  W.Woods,  R.Leleux

Southall Llewellyn  ~  R.Vye,  E.Milsom,  W.Woods,  R.Leleux {R.Matthews}

2005 ~  


C&T Mixed League Winners

Southall Marks Cup Winners

Southall Singles  ~  K.Bailey

Southall Pairs  ~  M.Kirby & R.Leleux

Button Bowl  ~  B.Smith,  P.Mayo,  P.Crouch,  D.Parrott,  C.Harris

Southall Ladies Singles  ~  R.Mayo

Ealing Ladies Triples  ~  L.Ive,  R.Walton,  R.Mayo

MCBA Double Fours R/Up

2003 ~


Jackson Shield R/Up

Hayes Cuttel Shield Winners

London Parks Singles  ~  C.Harris

London Parks Pairs  ~  P.Lovering,  C.Harris

Hillingdon Singles  ~  K.Bailey

Hillingdon Pairs  ~  B.Smith,  K.Bailey

Hayes Pairs  ~  B.Smith,  K.Bailey

Hayes Fours  ~  M.Kirby,  C.Harris,  W.Woods,  K.Bailey {M.Ive}

Southall Singles  ~  R.Leleux

Southall Pairs  ~  M.Kirby,  R.Leleux

Southall Llewellyn  ~  L.Hartin,  I.Cox,  D.Hodgkins,  M.Ive

Southall Ladies Triples  ~  L.Cawley,  S.Pocknell,  R.Melvin

Hounslow Ladies Pairs  ~  S.Pocknell & R.Melvin

Ealing Ladies 2 Wood  ~  R.Melvin

Ealing Ladies Singles  ~  S.Pocknell

2001 ~


Jackson Shield Winners

C&T Mixed League Winners

London Parks Champion of Champions  ~  R.Clark

Ealing Ladies Triples  ~  J.Aldous,  J.Dorsett,  M.Cooke

Southall Ladies Triples  ~  J.Aldous,  J.Dorsett,  M.Cooke

Hillingdon Singles  ~  W.Woods

Hounslow Singles  ~  D.Hodgkins

Southall Llewellyn  ~  B.Smith,  R.Larkam,  I.Cox,  M.Ive



London Parks Singles  ~  K.Bailey

Southall Singles  ~  K.Bailey

Hayes Pairs  ~  K.Bailey & B.Smith {R.Keen}

Hayes Triples  ~  K.Bailey,  W.Woods,  J.Lightfoot {A.Baker}

Hewitt Rosebowl  ~  K.Bailey & M.Fernandez

Hounslow Mixed Pairs  ~  P.Crouch & R.Crouch

Hillingdon Ladies Singles  ~  S.Pocknell

Ealing Ladies 2 Wood  ~  R.Melvin

Hounslow Champion of Champions  ~  M.Ive

2008 ~  


Hayes Cuttell Shield Winners

Ad Finem Dorsett Shield Winners

Hillingdon O'60s Singles  ~  M.Kirby

Hillingdon Ladies Triples  ~  L.Ive,  S.Pocknell,  J.Matthews

Southall Ladies Triples  ~  L.Ive,  S.Pocknell,  J.Matthews

Southall Collins  ~  R.Vye,  E.Milsom,  R.Matthews,  D.Parrott

Hounslow Triples  ~  D.Hodgkins,  B.Smith,  P.Crouch {R.Matthews}

2006 ~  


Hillingdon Mens Pairs  ~  R.Leleux & C.Harris

Hillingdon Mens Triples  ~  E.Milsom,  P.Crouch,  W.Woods

Hillingdon Open Singles  ~  C.Harris

Southall Ladies Triples  ~  B.Horn,  L.Ive,  R.Mayo

Southall Ladies Pairs  ~  L.Ive & R.Mayo

Ealing Ladies Pairs  ~  L.Ive & R.Mayo

Southall Singles  ~  R.Leleux

Southall Pairs  ~  D.Parrott & R.Leleux

Southall Llewellyn  ~  R.Vye,  E.Milsom,  W.Woods,  R.Leleux

MCBA Officers Cup  ~  R.Clark

2004 ~


London Parks Singles  ~  W.Woods

London Parks Triples  ~  W.Woods,  C.Harris,  K.Bailey

Hayes Singles  ~  R.Leleux

Hayes Cuttel Shield Winners

Southall Ladies Pairs  ~  L.Cawley & S.Pocknell

Hillingdon Ladies Triples  ~  L.Cawley,  R.Walton,  R.Melvin

Ealing Ladies Singles  ~  R.Walton

Ealing Ladies Pairs  ~  R.Melvin & R.Walton

Ealing Ladies Triples  ~  R.Melvin,  R.Walton,  L.Cawley

Hounslow Mens Singles  ~  P.Crouch

Hounslow Ladies Singles  ~  S.Pocknell

2002 ~


Jackson Shield Winners

C&T Mixed League Winners

Middx Mens Whiskey Pairs Winners  ~  R.Leleux & A.Baker

Hayes Singles  ~  R.Leleux

Hounslow Singles  ~  D.Hodgkins

Hillingdon O'60s  ~  R.Clark

Ealing Ladies Pairs  ~  L.Cawley & S.Pocknell

Ealing Ladies Triples  ~  L.Cawley,  R.Walton,  R.Melvin

Southall Ladies Triples  ~  L.Cawley,  S.Pocknell,  R.Melvin

Southall Mens Triples  ~  W.Woods,  R.Leleux,  K.Bailey {D.Hodgkins}




Middx Mens Triples R/Up  ~  R.Clark,  W.Woods,  K.Bailey {R.Keen}

Middx Mens Officers Cup  ~  P.Crouch

Jackson Shield R/Up

Hounslow Sinlges  ~  R.Pocknell

C&T Triples  ~  P.Mayo,  R.Melvin,  W.Woods

Southall Mixed Fours  ~  J.Aldous,  J.Aldous,  R.Crouch,  P.Crouch

Hounslow Ladies Fours  ~  C.Smith,  P.Keen,  S.Pocknell,  R.Melvin {M.Cooke)

Hounslow Ladies 2 Wood Triples  ~  J.Aldous,  J.Dorsett,  M.Cooke

1997 ~

Ealing & District Ladies Pairs  ~  R.Melvin & R.Walton

Southall Marks Cup Winners

1998 ~

Ealing & District Pairs  ~  R.Melvin & R.Walton

C&T Mixed Triples  ~  R.Clark,  M.Ive,  L.Cawley

Hillingdon Mens Singles  ~  W.Woods

Hillingdon Triples  ~  W.Woods,  R.Clark,  J.Lightfoot {R.Pocknell}

1996 ~

1995 ~

Hillingdon Ladies Singles  ~  R.Melvin

London Parks Fours  ~  J.Lightfoot,  H.Dorsett,  R.Clark,  W.Woods

Southall Fours  ~  D.Baillie,  J.Dorsett,  H.Dorsett,  W.Woods

Jackson Shield R/Up

1994 ~

Hillingdon Mens Pairs  ~  W.Woods & R.Clark

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